viernes, 12 de mayo de 2017

The Bandit Cat

Michín said to his mom:
"I'm going to become Pateta,
and the one who stick the nose in
immediately will die.
I already stole dad
dagger and handguns, I am
armed and ready, and I go
to steal and kill people,
and nevermore (keep in mind!)
you'll see Michín from today".

Drawing by Gado
Leaving to the forest, he found
a rooster on the trip,
and said: "let's see the aim
to kill I have".
put himself in face he shot,
resound the forest with the explosion,
Michín mistreated a rooster
and he burn his mustache,
but lopped off the nape,
fell for the rooster hook.

After stealing he climb up
tempted to hunger,
at the owl nest
that in fury upon at seeing it,
the more the branch breaks,
fly hat and dagger,
and to the sound of infernal wistle 
 that pierce the ears
                                          fall hanging around and howlling
                                        the criminal fugitive.

Recovered of his fall
he sees another cat and gives the attack
"namesake, stop!
give me the bag or your life!!
The other doesn't be afraid
and he'd rahter shout: "stop thief!"
shoot the rascal, it makes explosion
the handgun by the butt,
and almost goes to pieces
Michín with the confusion.

Drawing by Gado
Bumping into armed the next day
to a dog, great bandit,
approached him the feline
affectionately and politeness:
"Buddy, he said,
celebrate our alliance",
so it was: they gave them jokes,
dancings and brandy, till finally
Michín fell down
and he scratched his paunch.
"Buddy", said the dog,
"we have to join wealths
and secure the pennies
make them an entombment".
It had one mistake when he counted
and he shout and a uproar kicked up,
till the dog gripped
with the two hands the stick:
            buzz, fell down and his friend
                 hald dead layed down.

With the cold morning
Michín recovered the sense
and found him amputee, disabled,
one-eyed, starving and without any penny.

And while his rival
goes barking guffaw,
with crouch ears
and with the tail between legs,
Michín cries with soft voice
all his evil things.

He pick up his hat,
and under the sun that swelter him,
step by step he comes back home
with a humble look and sorry.
"I confess my crime
and purge it is necessary! his mom said 
"you have to see that nevermore 
I will be wicked,
Oh mommy! whipping me
But give me something to eat! 

Tale by Rafael Pombo